Tuesday, November 24, 2009

hi there and welcome to your first official blog on MODO. we have been busy recently with two photo shoots. the first shoot last week was with Lani and the second shoot yesterday was with emmily, 2 great young models from western australia. the Lani shoot was for two weddings dresses designed by local mandurah wedding dress designer colette varni. the bikini shoot with emmily was for stock and website images. i loved working with both models and as usual all makeup work was done by our own lizi w. the photo shoot with emmily was the first shoot since we started earlier this year where lizi w did not attend due to other work commitments with waterlily studios (this is lizi w's own business).

the wedding dress shoot was done at a private residence in their front garden and the emmily shoot was done in a number of places including a private pool area, the beach and in the len howard reserve.

our new website is coming along very well thanks to some great creative work done by tanya collier... tanya has her own website design business so if you ever need not only a good designer but a good listener and a person with fresh and new ideas, contact her and tell her we sent you from modo. having said that our website is near completion and tomorrow we will get our main pc back and therefore be able to upload more of our images for you all to see. these images will include the two shoots we have mentioned here with lani and emmily.

we have another shoot organised already for next week, 'something arty' is the catch cry from lizi, so see what happens.

we hope you like our new site and we hope you like our blog section as we are having fun writing it for you guys :)