Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rockingham Rams

I attended the game between the Rockingham Rams and Balcatta on Sunday in Rockingham on a glorious summers day. The Rams were the team I was there to cover for a local newspaper called the Sound Telegraph, which is based in Rockingham. I was meant to be there a couple of hours to get some shots for the paper for print the following week but I stayed for the entire game and really enjoyed it very much.

My photography is of a minimalist style meaning I would rather do close ups with very little fuss or little to no background to infect my images.

I do indeed look forward to going there once again and extending my photographic prowess with event and sporting images.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friends Place

Hi there - I missed out on going down to Busselton for the Australian Triathlon today as we could not get the equipment we needed in time. Instead I thought I might share a few black & white images I took at a friends 40th earlier this year as a tribute to friends in our lives.

These couple of black and white shots were just taken whilst everybody who attended did what they do best and enjoy a few drinks and have a laugh with friends.